Motion Comic Trailers
Animated trailers created for some of the top names in comics and graphic novels. All animated and designed using digital versions of the original artwork. All animation created by Chris Warren (occasionally in conjunction with Captured Planet Studios.) All videos are the property of their respective brands, companies and creators.

Book and Magazine Trailers
Animated trailers designed specifically to promote books and collected works. A variety of styles, some of these are motion comics(Nurse Nuri) while others are more animated with characters(Diamond Previews) Created using digital versions of the original artwork. All videos are the property of their respective brands, companies and creators.

Ride Share - Animated Motion Comic Series
10 Episode limited series using motion comic style animation. This unique series was created for Digital Sky Media in September 2020 and was a huge success with viewers. A fast paced visual podcast featuring some of the biggest voice performers anywhere including, Emmy winner Eric Martsolf (Days of Our Lives), reprising his role as Keith, and Britt Baron, star of the Netflix series GLOW and Final Fantasy 7: Remake.

Zenescope - Animated Motion Comic Series
3 complete animated motion comic episodes created for the masters of horror - Zenescope. For this project I was also responsible for creating all of the audio and sound design.

Best Fiends - In Game Animation
This short animation was created to promote an in game challenge. I worked closely with the illustrator and writer to create the original artwork used in the animation. This unique video features a comic book style and subtle animated scenes to create an eye catching video that is fun to watch.

Marvel Comics AR
Marvels AR app was designed as a companion to their comics allowing viewers to view additional content, background, and story updates. Working with the team at Captured Planet Studios, I created the animation and composed the background music for hundreds of Marvels AR videos over the course of several years. All animated and designed using digital versions of the original artwork. All videos are the property of their respective brands, companies and creators.